Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What are some good public universities in Seattle?

I want to be a game designer and it has come to my attention that being in a city where there is a lot of game companies when in college and applying for a job as a game designer is very beneficial to get a job. So what are some good public universities in Seattle surrounded by game companies?What are some good public universities in Seattle?
University of Washington. Seattle University is also good, but it's a private school.

You can check out these schools using the links on my web site


Best game design schools


I think Los Angeles (or Silicon Valley--San Francisco to San Jose) is as good or better than Seattle for game design jobs. Austin, TX has an up and coming game design industry.



Student reviews of U of Wash





Seattle Pacific University

Seattle University

University of Washington

Washington State UniversityWhat are some good public universities in Seattle?
university of washington is probably the best university in that area

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