Saturday, February 11, 2012

How different is Seattle from North Georgia?

I want to go to culinary school after I graduate from my north Georgia high school. I wanna go to Le Cordon Bleu in Atlanta, then move to Seattle and get a job as some kind of chef.

First of all, is that a good career choice for Seattle?

Secondly, how different is Seattle from North Georgia? I've always been kinda fascinated with Seattle, though I've never been, and I will never be able to visit due to financial issues.How different is Seattle from North Georgia?
Seattle has excellent restaurants - many privately owned. Although there are lots of chain type of restaurants, Seattleites are making a resurgence towards mom and pop restaurants, local places and markets. So, you have a good chance of finding a job here. Plus we love to eat out!

Seattle's weather is different from Georgia - much more mild here with not as much extremity in weather. Seattle is much much more liberal and this is a very regulated state. Although I agree with all the changes and I'm a die hard liberal, I think the state is stepping in too much telling people how to live which I disagree with.
Seattle is a very expensive place to live. You would have to be a high caliber chef to live a decent life there. It is different from GA. GA is much more rural than the seattle area.How different is Seattle from North Georgia?
As different as sashimi vs. catfish...

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